VR Mock Interview - Valid Parentheses (LC 20)

Check out the full mock Interview HERE.

Verdict: No Decision Score: 3/5

TK had an almost perfect interview.

Even though the candidate knew how to solve the problem, they had a lot of issues communicating effectively with the interviewer. The candidates ability to analyze the runtime/space of the problem and code an efficient solution worked in their favor. But ultimately, the lack of communication during their strategy and coding step results in a No Decision, I would request the candidate come back for another interview.

Coding: 4 Communication: 2 Problem Solving: 3 Inspection: 1 Review: 1

What they did well

  • Able to code an efficient solution
  • responded well to dialogue from the interviewer

What could be better

  • The Candidate didn't analyze the problem or ask questions
  • The candidate didn't review their code at all
  • The candidate didn't communicate clearly
  • the candidate's handwriting was bad(understandable)
  • The candidate didn't clearly explain their code

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